  • chevron_rightHow can I join a committee?
    The community wants and needs volunteers to serve on committees!  We have four committees to choose from:  Grounds, Communications & Events, Architectural Review, and Finance.  Please download a description of the committees and application form, go to the Documents & Forms section under the Residents tab on the home page.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get information on the master insurance policy for the condos?
    To obtain a copy of the master insurance policy for the condominium units for your mortgage company, contact Preferred Insurance at certs@preferins.com or call 703-359-5910.
  • chevron_rightHow do I pay my association dues?
    You can pay your association dues online and set up a direct debit payment by visiting the FirstService Residential website.  You are also welcome to mail in your payment using the coupons provided to you.  The mailing address is:
    Quarterly HOA Dues
    Goose Creek Village HOA
    FirstService Residential
    P.O. Box 11983
    Newark, NJ 07101
    Condominium Dues
    Townes @ Goose Creek Village Condominium
    FirstService Residential
    P.O. Box 11983
    Newark, NJ 07101
  • chevron_rightI am refinancing/selling my home. Where can I get the information I need?
    In order to get a copy of the resale and lender documents for our community, visit the FirstService Residential website to request a package.
  • chevron_rightWhen do I need to submit an application to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for making a change to my home?
    Essentially, all changes, permanent or temporary, to the exterior appearance of a building or lot are subject to review and approval by the Covenants Committee.  The review process is not limited to major additions or alternations, such as adding a room, deck or patio.  It includes such minor items as changes in color and materials.  Approval is also required when an existing item is to be removed.
    There are a number of exceptions:
    1. Building exteriors may be repainted or restained provided that there is no color change from the original.  Similarly, exterior building components may be repaired or replaced so long as there is no change in the type of material and color.
    2. Minor landscape improvements will also not require an application.  This includes foundation plantings, or single specimen plantings.  In general, landscape improvements of a small scale which do not materially alter the appearance of the lot, involve a change in topography or grade and which are not of sufficient scale to constitute a natural structure will be exempt from the design review process.
    If there is any doubt as to whether or not a proposed exterior change is exempt form design review and approval, homes should first seek clarification from the Covenants Committee before proceeding with the improvement.  A complete copy of the Design Guidelines can be found in the Documents & Forms section under the Residents tab on the Home page, as well as the ARC application form.
Community Information
  • chevron_rightDo I need a pool pass to get in the pool?
    Pool passes are not required; however, you will be required to present identification when you enter the pool to the staff at the entry desk.  Guests will only be admitted to the pool when accompanied by an authorized member.  Pool privileges may be revoked or suspended at any time by the Association.
    All Owners of Goose Creek Village Homeowners Association (or their designated tenants) are entitled to use the swimming pool facility. This privilege may be suspended by the Board of Directors for any Owner(s) who are delinquent in their assessment payments. A Non-resident Owner who leases his/her unit is not entitled to use of these community facilities. 
    Guests must be escorted by an eligible pool user who is sixteen years of age or older. Guests will not be admitted to the pool without such escort. All guests must register with the pool manager prior to entering the pool. The conduct of guests is the responsibility of the escort.  An eligible pool user sixteen years of age or older may bring a maximum of two guests at any time. There will be a maximum of five guests admitted at any time per eligible user household.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the pool rules?
    A complete copy of the pool rules and regulations can be found in the Documents & Forms section under the Residents tab on the Home page.